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CEODE Participates in the 40th Landsat Ground Station Operators Working Group Meeting
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From 30 January to 3 February, 2012, the 40th Landsat Ground Station Operators Working Group Meeting convened in Bali, Indonesia. CEODE Assistant Director Prof. LI An and engineer MA Guangbin attended the meeting. LI gave a report on CEODE’s Landsat data receiving operations.

The Landsat series of satellites provide global ground cover data to receiving stations around the world, including ground stations in China operated by CEODE.

The meeting, organized by USGS, attracted more than 40 participants from the United States, China, ESA, Germany, Thailand, Indonesia, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Argentina, Japan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, India, Brazil and other countries and regions developing Landsat data receiving and processing operations. USGS administrators and technical experts gave reports on Landsat data systems, Landsat-5/7 operation statusand plans, the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM), Landsat-9 development, the Landsat global archive consolidation initiative, global land surveying, and land satellite data sharing and applications.

During the meeting, the U.S. Landsat managers and technical experts discussed additional topics with CEODE representatives concerning their Landsat-5 data receiving and other operations, data archiving, data validation and exchange, and preparation for the LDCM. This meeting was significant in promoting CEODE’s development and exchanges with other international ground stations in data receiving, processing, archiving, distribution anddata applications.

Representatives from around the world convene for the 40th Landsat Ground Station Operators Working Group Meeting in Bali, Indonesia.

Center for Earth Observation and Digital Earth,Chinese Academy of Sciences
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